Take the Whip Series

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About the Project

Take the Whip is a show in pre-production based around the theme of roller derby. It is an emotional roller coaster of hilarity and drama. It uses its storylines and characters to represent themes of race, sexuality, class and gender. These themes are expressed in a series focused on the view of today's society. Within these themes, not only are social norms and concepts revealed, but so are many inconvenient truths. This show also reveals how people overcome tragedy in their lives. Although the show’s characters are fictional the stories behind them are based on actual events. One of the ways the show conveys these realities is through exposure of all aspects of people who join roller derby, or have some role they play in the roller derby community. There will be one main team as the center of these stories, but each episode will branch into the past, present and lead to the future of the individual characters. The goal of the show is to relate personal experiences that may have led a person to roller derby, show how they are coping now, and the reality of overcoming, or being stuck in a moment. Take the whip, takes a turn at showing the dynamic within female sports and athleticism. Although there will tough topics addressed in each episode, there will also be the reality of comedy based on other events in life that most television has not focused on.

The Story

What's the Story?

Bruises, black eyes, bloody noses, and broken bones. We do this for fun. There is a thrill that comes with playing roller derby that is unmatched in life. A sport where you appreciate an opponent’s skills just as much as you want to overtake them. But what would lead a person to join a sport with such brutality at its base? Take the Whip follows a team of women on their journey through life as roller derby becomes a main support for each person. Because these stories are based on true events, not everything has a happy ending. But each person gains an insight to themselves, a better understanding of team, true dedication and athleticism, and what a real support system consists of.