

applications for the future

< Who we are />

We are a veteran owned and operated software development small business. Our development team has over 20 years of expertise. We have built Top Secret applications for the US government, HIPAA compliant systems for healthcare providers, and financial APIs for insurance companies.

< What we do />

Web application development


We create applications that work for you. From small sites to large enterprise solutions, we have the experience to help you succeed.


Whether you're on a computer, tablet, or mobile device, our team uses responsive web design to ensure your application looks beautiful.


Be confident your senstive data is secured. Our developers have extensive security training and hold Comptia Security+, Microsoft Certified Professional, and HIPAA compliance certificates.

Azure DevOps

Get your builds faster and cheaper. Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines create an agile workstream that automates application builds. Azure App Services provide scalable cloud infrastructure to keep costs down.


Upgrade your application. We've got you covered if your legacy application is sluggish or out of date. Our team can take your old ASP.NET Webforms, ASP Classic, or .NET Framework app to the next level.


The job doesn't end at Go Live. We are here to support your future needs as your business and technology evolves.

< Our stack />

Web Apps



NET 7.0


SQL Server

< How we do it />

Our agile approach

During the planning phase, the development team collects input from stakeholders involved in the project; customers, sales, internal and external experts, and developers. This input is synthesized into a detailed definition of the requirements for creating the desired software. The team also determines what resources are required to satisfy the project requirements, and then infers the associated cost.

Our team uses the requirements gathered in the previous phase to design the architecture of the software, including the software's structure, components, interfaces, and data. The output of the design phase is a set of design documents that detail the software's architecture, user interface, and database designs. These design documents serve as a blueprint for our team to develop the software.

In this phase, our development team takes the design documents created in the previous phase and uses them to build the actual software system. This involves several activities, including: Coding, Integration, Testing, Documentation, and Maintenance. The output of the development phase is the completed software system, along with the necessary documentation and support materials.

The software system is tested to ensure that it meets the requirements and is free of defects. This phase involves several activities, including: Test Planning, Test Case Design, Test Execution, Defect Management, and Acceptance Testing. The output of the testing phase is a set of test results that indicate the quality of the software system. If the software system meets the requirements and passes all tests, it is considered ready for deployment. If defects are found, they are recorded and sent back to the development team for correction. The testing phase is critical to ensuring that the software system is of high quality and meets the needs of end-users.

In this phase, the software system is deployed to end-users, either as a new system or as an upgrade to an existing system. This phase involves several activities, including: Release Planning, Installation, Configuration, Data Migration, and Training and Support. The output of the deployment phase is a deployed and functioning software system that meets the needs of end-users. Ongoing maintenance and support may be required to ensure that the software system continues to meet the changing needs of end-users. The deployment phase is critical to the success of the software development lifecycle.

Finally, the software system is monitored, updated, and modified as needed to ensure that it continues to meet the changing needs of end-users. This phase involves several activities, including: Monitoring, Bug Fixes, Updates and Upgrades, and Enhancements. The goal of support is to continuously improve value to end-users. The support phase is critical to ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of the software system. It is important to have a robust maintenance plan in place to address any issues or opportunities for improvement that may arise over time.

1. Discovery

During the discovery phase, the development team collects input from stakeholders involved in the project; customers, sales, internal and external experts, and developers. This input is synthesized into a detailed definition of the requirements for creating the desired software. The team also determines what resources are required to satisfy the project requirements, and then infers the associated cost.

2. Design

Our team uses the requirements gathered in the previous phase to design the architecture of the software, including the software's structure, components, interfaces, and data. The output of the design phase is a set of design documents that detail the software's architecture, user interface, and database designs. These design documents serve as a blueprint for our team to develop the software.

3. Development

In this phase, our development team takes the design documents created in the previous phase and uses them to build the actual software system. This involves several activities, including: Coding, Integration, Testing, Documentation, and Maintenance. The output of the development phase is the completed software system, along with the necessary documentation and support materials.

4. Testing

The software system is tested to ensure that it meets the requirements and is free of defects. This phase involves several activities, including: Test Planning, Test Case Design, Test Execution, Defect Management, and Acceptance Testing. The output of the testing phase is a set of test results that indicate the quality of the software system. If the software system meets the requirements and passes all tests, it is considered ready for deployment. If defects are found, they are recorded and sent back to the development team for correction. The testing phase is critical to ensuring that the software system is of high quality and meets the needs of end-users.

5. Deployment

In this phase, the software system is deployed to end-users, either as a new system or as an upgrade to an existing system. This phase involves several activities, including: Release Planning, Installation, Configuration, Data Migration, and Training and Support. The output of the deployment phase is a deployed and functioning software system that meets the needs of end-users. Ongoing maintenance and support may be required to ensure that the software system continues to meet the changing needs of end-users. The deployment phase is critical to the success of the software development lifecycle.

6. Support

Finally, the software system is monitored, updated, and modified as needed to ensure that it continues to meet the changing needs of end-users. This phase involves several activities, including: Monitoring, Bug Fixes, Updates and Upgrades, and Enhancements. The goal of support is to continuously improve value to end-users. The support phase is critical to ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of the software system. It is important to have a robust maintenance plan in place to address any issues or opportunities for improvement that may arise over time.

< Let's Collaborate />

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